PBC may be over, but the effect is still there! Conference is here and we will all be seeing the people we spent a week with. I know that we're all excited. I think I'm more excited to see what God is going to do this week. There is so much God wants to do in the youth, but it starts in us. We can't just hand it all over to God and tell Him to move- we have to be willing to move too. That's what Tyler touched on at youth on Saturday. We get from God what we're willing to give to Him. I hope that this week, as we're having fun catching up with everyone from other churches, we remember what God has done. Don't forget what He did during PBC and don't forget what He is STILL doing! Be open to what God has and give Him your all. Show God that you're willing to do what it takes for Him to move and that you're not lazy. Be praying and reading this week! Let's make it a fun week and a week to remember. Open your hearts to God and He will move. He's an on-time God. I can't wait to see everyone from everywhere and hear about what God has done in your churches since PBC!!!! Don't let your fire die out!
-#7 (Gabby)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Thats the End!
Well, PBC 2010 is officially over. We had our big testimony service tonight at church recapping it all. Looking back at it all (not just the last thirteen days, but the last six months in reality) I write, and say out loud as I write, "Thank you Jesus!". What a privilege and an honor to be able to do something like this for the Kingdom of God. I am so proud of all of our teens for doing what they did, giving what they gave, and did it all with the hearts of true servants; knowing it wasn't to get something in return, but making themselves willing and committed to do something for God. God was faithful to what what He did and we saw the results we believed for: lives impacted and many changed no doubt forever by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our Pastors strengthened and encouraged, fruit within the churches, and renewed vision even within ourselves.
I call out to all our teens to hold steadfast to what God is doing in our churches and in yourself. He saved us not just to get us into heaven, but to work in us and through us. Encourage and drive one another to pursue and expect greater things. Live your life to where it can match the testimony of Enoch in the Bible, he 'walked with God'. It's not some far off mystical thing, its simply loving God and doing what He wants you to do. God's call to His people has always been obedience. We have great things before us, lets seek them out, take them as our own, and hold onto them.
All the work that went into it was worth it. All the preparations and planning and re-planning that happened behind doors and late at night; the fundraising, the meetings, the practices, the prayer, the organization of it all, and everything else that went on. I want to thank all our group leaders for accepting the invitation to come, and stepping up to the plate and making it something awesome for each group (a shout-out to all the baby sitters for the leaders kids too; thanks for 'staying by the stuff!'). Thank you to Pastor Jones and Pastor Paul for allowing and entrusting us to do this. Thanks to all the Pastors and their families and church for welcoming us in, taking care of us, and letting us work side by side with you. Thank you parents for investing in and allowing and your teens to be a part of it all. I want to especially thank my wonderful wife Shaunna and Mrs. Emily Jones for all the many, many, many hours they poured into this behind the scenes in making it happen.
Not sure if anyone will post anything else here on the blog, or how many people will be looking except those who didn't get a chance to look while it was going on, those who couldn't keep up with all the posts, and those who simply want to return from time to time to visit some memories. But from our end, we are done. We love you all.
For His Kingdom and Glory!
Love God, hate sin.
Tyler & Shaunna
I call out to all our teens to hold steadfast to what God is doing in our churches and in yourself. He saved us not just to get us into heaven, but to work in us and through us. Encourage and drive one another to pursue and expect greater things. Live your life to where it can match the testimony of Enoch in the Bible, he 'walked with God'. It's not some far off mystical thing, its simply loving God and doing what He wants you to do. God's call to His people has always been obedience. We have great things before us, lets seek them out, take them as our own, and hold onto them.
All the work that went into it was worth it. All the preparations and planning and re-planning that happened behind doors and late at night; the fundraising, the meetings, the practices, the prayer, the organization of it all, and everything else that went on. I want to thank all our group leaders for accepting the invitation to come, and stepping up to the plate and making it something awesome for each group (a shout-out to all the baby sitters for the leaders kids too; thanks for 'staying by the stuff!'). Thank you to Pastor Jones and Pastor Paul for allowing and entrusting us to do this. Thanks to all the Pastors and their families and church for welcoming us in, taking care of us, and letting us work side by side with you. Thank you parents for investing in and allowing and your teens to be a part of it all. I want to especially thank my wonderful wife Shaunna and Mrs. Emily Jones for all the many, many, many hours they poured into this behind the scenes in making it happen.
Not sure if anyone will post anything else here on the blog, or how many people will be looking except those who didn't get a chance to look while it was going on, those who couldn't keep up with all the posts, and those who simply want to return from time to time to visit some memories. But from our end, we are done. We love you all.
For His Kingdom and Glory!
Love God, hate sin.
Tyler & Shaunna
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
You never know how rough war is until you experience war as a christian. We weren't forced to join this battle, we choose to join this battle. God laid a hand in each of our lives, and we decided to answer the call. "Many are called, but few are chosen."
Each one of us has some sort of story as to how we came to Christ. Some simple, with rough trials, others through bad times. We all have our story, and are practically form different lands, but we share the same goal...to see souls get saved and people to come to Jesus Christ.
For months we have spent our time preparing for this siege. Sharpening our swords through the word, hardening our armor through the test and trials of everyday life. Through every trial we have faced, our swords have strengthened and our armor shines brighter. No longer are we maggots in this army, but now we are soldiers serving under the one true God. Our companies name? None other than 180 degrees. Taking siege of Portland Oregon, turning this city upside down for God.
Our armor is battle scarred. Dents covering every inch of them. The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the sandals of readiness, and the shield of faith. Each piece worn out and damaged, but every time we get on our knees and humble ourselves before the Lord, our armor is restored and we're ready for another wave of enemies from hell. Demons stand no chance against the Lord, for even they knew there was a God, and even they feared that one God.
Pastor Marshall (0) is the company commander. He has a bite far worse than his bark. Height don't matter to him, he can take anything down, even a rhino if he felt like it. A true man of God. There is never an ounce of fear in his voice when he is witnessing to someone, or passing out tracks. In his heart he knows for a fact God is moving and his sword will pierce his adversaries armor. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
Ms Cherise (00)(Kiki)is the platoon leader. She is the pastor's wife and is sweet and kind to us. Almost like a mother, we call her momma Cherise at times. A godly woman who confronts the sins of others and reveals them. She plans out the events and makes sure we are ready and have the schedule prepared. She makes the tactics clear, and God points us in the direction to go. "To shine upon and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace. Luke 1: 79"
Abby (1) a soldier rough around the edges. She is also a specialist who works in video production and encouragement. Upon battle she goes straight for the kill and doesn't bother with the details. But upon witnessing she takes her time and really explains to who she's talking to in order for them to have a better understanding. She going forth for the Lord full force, and is always willing to do God's will. When one of us is down, she'll always be one of the first ones there to try and cheer us up and just push us along. She has also been busy posting slide shows of our moments here in Oregon. "Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Robert (2) Platoon sergeant, directly under (00). Hes the team leader, charging into hordes of enemies with his platoon behind his back and God protecting him. One of the best leaders you'll see, naturally born, but he still humbles himself. His mouth isn't everyone's favorite thing, but when he when hes serving God, the gospel floods out his mouth and speaks to our hearts. He has a vision in serving God, and is determined to live his life for him. "Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]--blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he." Proverbs 29:18
Shanity (3)obviously not a medic, but of the infantry. Her specialty is photography. She's a tough cookie who doesn't show her soft side too often. When it comes to battle, she breaks through the ranks, not just by force, but by intimidation. A child of the Lord who is willing to do what she has to do to serve the Lord. "I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency]." Philippians 4: 13
Shelby (4)(Penny Proud) Shelby's fields are photography and treasurer, a corporal. Her smile is always ear to ear due to her never being able to stop laughing. She really makes the other soldiers feel encouraged and refreshed. Every time we had prayer she was one of the first to be down there, and didn't pass up any opportunity to pass out tracks or serve God. A great woman of faith who has a real heart of God. "Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God." Philippians 4: 6
GO (5) King Kong, Goliath but on the side of God. His job is the daily organizer, right by (2). Foes fear the sight of him, a mere glance can leave a man terrorized. On the field hes terrifying, on private, hes one of the funniest people you'll meet. He cracked so many jokes during PBC, and really brightened our day. He got the opportunity to preach during youth service, and really has a heart for God and wants to go somewhere for him. "The way of the Lord is strength and a stronghold to the upright, but it is destruction to the workers of iniquity." Proverbs 10: 29
David (6) (little baby fetus) David is GO's assistant and really has a heart for God. When witnessing, he tries to connect to people in order for them to be more interested in talking. His heart is just all for the Lord. Excitement always ran through his body before, during, and after church service. "If anyone serves Me, he must continue to follow Me [to cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying] and wherever I am, there will My servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him." John 12: 26
Gabby (7) another soldier in rank. Specialist like (8) and works in the field of Journalist and faith. Her voice sounds like an angel, when enemies from a far off camp hear it, they flee in terror for it sounds of a mighty army marching forth for battle. She's always believe in God and everywhere she goes there's a smile on her face. You hardly don't see her smiling, she seems to always just have this joy in her and that must be from the Lord. "And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident reliance in the Lord." Psalm 40: 3
Isaiah (8) is one of the soldiers in ranks. A specialist who works in the field of Journalism and evangelism. It don't matter if whoever he is talking to is a higher up, or a lower up, he shows respect and listens. Soft hearted, he shows compassion for his enemies. Once he starts witnessing and passing out tracks, fear seems to leave his body and strength floods him. If his actions will bring glory to God, he'll do it in a heartbeat. "To open their eyes that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may thus receive forgiveness and release from their sins and a place and portion among those who are consecrated and purified by faith in Me." Acts 26: 18
They hear it...they hear it...they hear him. The three things most people hear before getting saved. They hear a testimony, they hear the gospel, they hear God's voice. Vistory has been obtained. The siege is yet to be complete, but my company's cycle is over. New recruits have been trained and God is on their side. Thank you Jesus, for answering our prayers and working in every city.
"But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. Isaiah 40: 31"
Each one of us has some sort of story as to how we came to Christ. Some simple, with rough trials, others through bad times. We all have our story, and are practically form different lands, but we share the same goal...to see souls get saved and people to come to Jesus Christ.
For months we have spent our time preparing for this siege. Sharpening our swords through the word, hardening our armor through the test and trials of everyday life. Through every trial we have faced, our swords have strengthened and our armor shines brighter. No longer are we maggots in this army, but now we are soldiers serving under the one true God. Our companies name? None other than 180 degrees. Taking siege of Portland Oregon, turning this city upside down for God.
Our armor is battle scarred. Dents covering every inch of them. The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the sandals of readiness, and the shield of faith. Each piece worn out and damaged, but every time we get on our knees and humble ourselves before the Lord, our armor is restored and we're ready for another wave of enemies from hell. Demons stand no chance against the Lord, for even they knew there was a God, and even they feared that one God.
Pastor Marshall (0) is the company commander. He has a bite far worse than his bark. Height don't matter to him, he can take anything down, even a rhino if he felt like it. A true man of God. There is never an ounce of fear in his voice when he is witnessing to someone, or passing out tracks. In his heart he knows for a fact God is moving and his sword will pierce his adversaries armor. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
Ms Cherise (00)(Kiki)is the platoon leader. She is the pastor's wife and is sweet and kind to us. Almost like a mother, we call her momma Cherise at times. A godly woman who confronts the sins of others and reveals them. She plans out the events and makes sure we are ready and have the schedule prepared. She makes the tactics clear, and God points us in the direction to go. "To shine upon and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace. Luke 1: 79"
Abby (1) a soldier rough around the edges. She is also a specialist who works in video production and encouragement. Upon battle she goes straight for the kill and doesn't bother with the details. But upon witnessing she takes her time and really explains to who she's talking to in order for them to have a better understanding. She going forth for the Lord full force, and is always willing to do God's will. When one of us is down, she'll always be one of the first ones there to try and cheer us up and just push us along. She has also been busy posting slide shows of our moments here in Oregon. "Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Robert (2) Platoon sergeant, directly under (00). Hes the team leader, charging into hordes of enemies with his platoon behind his back and God protecting him. One of the best leaders you'll see, naturally born, but he still humbles himself. His mouth isn't everyone's favorite thing, but when he when hes serving God, the gospel floods out his mouth and speaks to our hearts. He has a vision in serving God, and is determined to live his life for him. "Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]--blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he." Proverbs 29:18
Shanity (3)obviously not a medic, but of the infantry. Her specialty is photography. She's a tough cookie who doesn't show her soft side too often. When it comes to battle, she breaks through the ranks, not just by force, but by intimidation. A child of the Lord who is willing to do what she has to do to serve the Lord. "I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency]." Philippians 4: 13
Shelby (4)(Penny Proud) Shelby's fields are photography and treasurer, a corporal. Her smile is always ear to ear due to her never being able to stop laughing. She really makes the other soldiers feel encouraged and refreshed. Every time we had prayer she was one of the first to be down there, and didn't pass up any opportunity to pass out tracks or serve God. A great woman of faith who has a real heart of God. "Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God." Philippians 4: 6
GO (5) King Kong, Goliath but on the side of God. His job is the daily organizer, right by (2). Foes fear the sight of him, a mere glance can leave a man terrorized. On the field hes terrifying, on private, hes one of the funniest people you'll meet. He cracked so many jokes during PBC, and really brightened our day. He got the opportunity to preach during youth service, and really has a heart for God and wants to go somewhere for him. "The way of the Lord is strength and a stronghold to the upright, but it is destruction to the workers of iniquity." Proverbs 10: 29
David (6) (little baby fetus) David is GO's assistant and really has a heart for God. When witnessing, he tries to connect to people in order for them to be more interested in talking. His heart is just all for the Lord. Excitement always ran through his body before, during, and after church service. "If anyone serves Me, he must continue to follow Me [to cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying] and wherever I am, there will My servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him." John 12: 26
Gabby (7) another soldier in rank. Specialist like (8) and works in the field of Journalist and faith. Her voice sounds like an angel, when enemies from a far off camp hear it, they flee in terror for it sounds of a mighty army marching forth for battle. She's always believe in God and everywhere she goes there's a smile on her face. You hardly don't see her smiling, she seems to always just have this joy in her and that must be from the Lord. "And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident reliance in the Lord." Psalm 40: 3
Isaiah (8) is one of the soldiers in ranks. A specialist who works in the field of Journalism and evangelism. It don't matter if whoever he is talking to is a higher up, or a lower up, he shows respect and listens. Soft hearted, he shows compassion for his enemies. Once he starts witnessing and passing out tracks, fear seems to leave his body and strength floods him. If his actions will bring glory to God, he'll do it in a heartbeat. "To open their eyes that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may thus receive forgiveness and release from their sins and a place and portion among those who are consecrated and purified by faith in Me." Acts 26: 18
They hear it...they hear it...they hear him. The three things most people hear before getting saved. They hear a testimony, they hear the gospel, they hear God's voice. Vistory has been obtained. The siege is yet to be complete, but my company's cycle is over. New recruits have been trained and God is on their side. Thank you Jesus, for answering our prayers and working in every city.
"But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. Isaiah 40: 31"
the announcement
Alright so if you guys haven't guessed...we..well I wrote "Gail has an announcement" just to see people's response and who would blow up her phone!! pretty funny uhh?! hahah. If you didn't catch that...there's no announcement!!! We arrived back in the springs around 9:40 pm and boy was ABQ a blast! Spending time with Pastor,the family and the church was not in vain! God moved!! We took on the name "ROADRUNNERS" and became ROADRUNNERS for Jesus! Last night we went to dions(yummy pizza) and laughed our hearts out! From isaac doing the "stroke" to oscar stuffing his face with a huge cookie. I wasn't too sure about this group but I can honestly say, we've grown to be a family!! We said our "see you laters" today (pretty sad) but we'll be seeing them soon. Kenny and Monica are great leaders, and have become great friends! Love you all. God is good...right!!!
Our last Official night...
We are here in Utah in our hotel room. It's 11:50 and we are awake...kind of. Today we left around 7 and hit the road. We didn't want to leave, well, us teens didn't. We made strong connections with those teens and we didn't want to leave so fast. The trip was good though.
We've had a good safe ride so far and we will tomorrow as well. We're leaving the hotel at 6am and eating at IHOP then heading home :( For you parents reading, we will be getting home tomorrow, so I hope you're ready for your ears to be talked off. I know I have a lot to tell my parents. I cannot wait for conference and to see them all again. We all exchanged emails to keep in touch though, so that's a plus. We've had lots of laughs this past week and I will never forget it. God moved so much and I'm excited to see what's going to happen now.
I have nothing else to say...we will see you all on Wednesday. Until next time,
p.s. I will be posting more than just from this week. When I get updates on the church in Oregon, I will post those as well, no matter when they take place. I want to remember everything, so what better way than to blog all the progress after PBC? So don't forget to visit the blog every now and then
We've had a good safe ride so far and we will tomorrow as well. We're leaving the hotel at 6am and eating at IHOP then heading home :( For you parents reading, we will be getting home tomorrow, so I hope you're ready for your ears to be talked off. I know I have a lot to tell my parents. I cannot wait for conference and to see them all again. We all exchanged emails to keep in touch though, so that's a plus. We've had lots of laughs this past week and I will never forget it. God moved so much and I'm excited to see what's going to happen now.
I have nothing else to say...we will see you all on Wednesday. Until next time,
p.s. I will be posting more than just from this week. When I get updates on the church in Oregon, I will post those as well, no matter when they take place. I want to remember everything, so what better way than to blog all the progress after PBC? So don't forget to visit the blog every now and then
We are back home in Colorado! This trip was quite an experience for all of us. When I found out I was going to Texas for PBC, I screamed because I was so excited. But in the last couple of weeks before the trip, I started to feel less and less excited. I didn't really want to go. I didn't think that I would get anything out of it and I honestly thought it would be a waste of time. But it wasn't! I had a great time and I learned a lot. All of the people in our group learned that a great amount of patience is needed to deal with baby Christians. Teenagers don't just show up to church and know how to act - they need to be discipled. That doesn't mean that we have to beat them down and point out all of their flaws. Pastor Blake and the youth leader Paul lead by example in the church and show SO much patience with the teens and new converts. It made me realize that I need to reach out to new teens in youth and help them out, because not everyone is raised in church and knows how to represent Christ with respect. I'm so proud of the Denton church! In only 2 years they've grown so much! Their youth group is growing quickly, too! Praise God!
~Natalie ♥
P.S. - PBC was awesome :-)
I'm leaving on a gray van!!! Don't know when I'll be back again!
wow my first post and it's on the last day after it's all over!?! What could I possibly say to be able to describe this trip?... WOW it was great Farmington has been such a great place to be and visit we really don't want to leave somebody (who will remain nameless!) even started crying cause they wanted to stay but as soon as I dried me eyes I began to think about the past week and all the wonderful things that I've seen God do! On Thursday night after our youth service here we went to pass out some remaining flyers for the outreach at the park so as we pull up to the park that night as soon as I got out of the van I headed to the basketball courts and I saw a guy sitting down so I decided to go give him a flyer but when I got there I realized that this guy was going through something in his life so we started talking which is where God opened a door for me to witness. I realized he was drunk and started getting discouraged but the longer we talked the more he opened up and started hearing me and after everybody had had their flyers passed out except me Aaron and Pastor Maloney came and we continued talking for about an hour longer finally God clicked something in his mind and the guy threw his beer and let me lead him in a sinners prayer and I praise God for that but on Saturday I was sitting there at our outreach and I see the very same man I prayed with but this time sober and changing! I WAS PUMPED!!! and then after that I was sitting in prayer tonight and guess who walked in? that's right! He went to the alter and prayed again! this got me fired up along with seeing the many other visitor from the outreach! haha all in all I passed out one flyer on Thursday night! our group has grown from this experience! Tony and Tanya are awesome leaders and my requested travel buddies for next year lol jk jk THEY'RE GREAT!!!... But not in a frosted flakes kind of way! we really wanted to post alot of videos this year but sorry to say I wasnt happening with a 5am wake up call every morning!
Quotes of the Day
Abby- "you're my favorite!" Gabby- "LIAR!!"
-She said this to everyone!!! So everytime she said it, I called her a liar. Pretty funny
Shelby- "You'll never get married"
Houston- "Did you know that when it's raining, it's actually cow poop?...." (He then went on to explain how this is possible...hahahaha)
Austin- "Ow, my leg!" Houston- "I live with this"
Chantell- to Shanity- "aw, look at that dimple" *puts finger up to push on it* Shanity- looks at Chantell- *death stare*
-She said this to everyone!!! So everytime she said it, I called her a liar. Pretty funny
Shelby- "You'll never get married"
Houston- "Did you know that when it's raining, it's actually cow poop?...." (He then went on to explain how this is possible...hahahaha)
Austin- "Ow, my leg!" Houston- "I live with this"
Chantell- to Shanity- "aw, look at that dimple" *puts finger up to push on it* Shanity- looks at Chantell- *death stare*
No, Not Yet!!!
Today is our last day...it was our last day. We are all very very sad. We made some amazing friends: Chantell- one of the twins who plays piano and a mad game of b-ball, Chantee- the other twin who plays drums and also plays some mean b-ball, Keith- the one who wears the skinnys and plays guitar like a beast, Austin- the bass player who always complains about his hamstring, but no really, he's cool, Houston- Austin's younger brother who is SO funny and plays the bongos, Matt- their singing, guitar playing, pianist, Stephanie- Matt and Zach's sister who is just fun, and then of course Zach and Whitney- 2 of the coolest youth leaders I've ever met. Zach has so much energy and has a heart for the lost, as well as a great sense of humor, you gotta have that and Whitney is just sweet and quiet, with a but of quorky-ness. Oh, and we can't forget the pastor and his wife as well as the assistant pastor and his wife.
We've just had a blast this past week. I'm so honored that out of the huge group of people who chose Oregon as their first choice, I got to go, and I think my whole group feels that way too. It has been a blessing to be a blessing to these people and I know God is going to make them grow. We bragged on and on about conference, and some have already said they'll be there. I can't wait now, even more than before!
Well, today was our church service and God was there. In the morning, we had a song service that I got pulled into, and tried to adjust to the way they do things. Their assistant pastor reminds me so much of Henry T. because he is so energetic and full of life and joy. I love it. Every church needs a Henry, and they have theirs. Then Pastor Marshall preached a wonderful sermon, then during alter call, he prayed for the sick. We had legs grow out, eye sight get healed, and broken hearts were mended. This one family was there, and have been going for a while. Their son, who was 24, was stabbed over 20 times and murdered a few months ago. So we prayed for restoration. We then prayed for the dad of the family because his neck had been stiff since 1987. The wife said that she hadn't seen him move it in 5 years and he said that he hadn't have full range in it since 1987. We prayed for him, and he moved his neck! There had also been pain in his shoulder and that disappeared. God is so good! They were estatic, and so were we. They then came again tonight and got baptised, along with their dad. We also prayed for a man with liver problems, people with diabetes, and a man that had broken his neck. I know that God will heal them. They all had so much faith; it amazed me.
For lunch, after trying to figure it out for a while, we went to Wendy's. We then went to the hotel to rest, then got back to the church for practice. We were planning on doing the Cardboard skit, but we didn't have enough people, and some people had requested the "Everything Skit", so without any prep, we did it. We also baptised people, as I said before. Pastor preached, then for alter call, he called down people who wanted to committ themselves to doing God's will, no matter what. Everyone went down and we prayed. After church we headed to Taco Bell to fellowship and eat. We all said our goodbyes :( but we exchanged e-mails to keep in touch.
All in all, this week has been life changing. I'm so honored to have been here. I don't want to leave. I know that God will do so much more in that church. Continue to pray that their hope won't die out, that they'll grow, and for Pastor Tim and Paula in Singapore. I can't wait for conference to see them all again and to hear what's been happening. I know you all feel the same, or I hope so.
We are working on uploading slideshows on youtube from the past few days, so be patient. There are many pics. I hope you all have a good and safe trip home tomorrow. We leave tomorrow, get into Utah, sleep, then leave for CO. We will see you all Wednesday. Until next time,
We've just had a blast this past week. I'm so honored that out of the huge group of people who chose Oregon as their first choice, I got to go, and I think my whole group feels that way too. It has been a blessing to be a blessing to these people and I know God is going to make them grow. We bragged on and on about conference, and some have already said they'll be there. I can't wait now, even more than before!
Well, today was our church service and God was there. In the morning, we had a song service that I got pulled into, and tried to adjust to the way they do things. Their assistant pastor reminds me so much of Henry T. because he is so energetic and full of life and joy. I love it. Every church needs a Henry, and they have theirs. Then Pastor Marshall preached a wonderful sermon, then during alter call, he prayed for the sick. We had legs grow out, eye sight get healed, and broken hearts were mended. This one family was there, and have been going for a while. Their son, who was 24, was stabbed over 20 times and murdered a few months ago. So we prayed for restoration. We then prayed for the dad of the family because his neck had been stiff since 1987. The wife said that she hadn't seen him move it in 5 years and he said that he hadn't have full range in it since 1987. We prayed for him, and he moved his neck! There had also been pain in his shoulder and that disappeared. God is so good! They were estatic, and so were we. They then came again tonight and got baptised, along with their dad. We also prayed for a man with liver problems, people with diabetes, and a man that had broken his neck. I know that God will heal them. They all had so much faith; it amazed me.
For lunch, after trying to figure it out for a while, we went to Wendy's. We then went to the hotel to rest, then got back to the church for practice. We were planning on doing the Cardboard skit, but we didn't have enough people, and some people had requested the "Everything Skit", so without any prep, we did it. We also baptised people, as I said before. Pastor preached, then for alter call, he called down people who wanted to committ themselves to doing God's will, no matter what. Everyone went down and we prayed. After church we headed to Taco Bell to fellowship and eat. We all said our goodbyes :( but we exchanged e-mails to keep in touch.
All in all, this week has been life changing. I'm so honored to have been here. I don't want to leave. I know that God will do so much more in that church. Continue to pray that their hope won't die out, that they'll grow, and for Pastor Tim and Paula in Singapore. I can't wait for conference to see them all again and to hear what's been happening. I know you all feel the same, or I hope so.
We are working on uploading slideshows on youtube from the past few days, so be patient. There are many pics. I hope you all have a good and safe trip home tomorrow. We leave tomorrow, get into Utah, sleep, then leave for CO. We will see you all Wednesday. Until next time,
End of the road, start of the highway
So many things have happened today, its just mind-blowing what God has done down here. The youth from this church have been excited throughout the whole week. They have been learning more about evangelism, and just the fire you have when serving God. We have all learned from each other. We pulled an alter-call tonight and almost everyone in the church came up to the alter saying they want to be used in any ministry God puts them in, and are willing to go forth for him. Each and every youth went up, and you can just see the joy they have in their hearts when serving the Lord.
Pastor Marshall preached in both morning and night service. He asked everyone to bring someone in who was hurting in their body so they could be prayed for, and many people came down to the alter to be prayed for. A man injured his neck and couldn't turn it, but was healed and is now able to move it around. Multiple women hurt their back and when Pastor Marshall did the foot test, their feet were up to an inch apart in length, but we saw those legs grow out. Chantell's knees were injured, and they were healed. Just many blessing and miracles left and right.There was a family whose son was stabbed to death 28 times, they came in and that family got saved and that night 3 of the 5 family members got baptized. We may not have like 100 people in this church, but God is really moving and working and each person who is here.
If the youth could, we would stay down here, we love it down here. Portland, Oregon is in need of God, and maybe one day we'll get to come back. And i know none of us wanted to say our goodbyes, but we had to. We all grew so attached so fast. We made so many friends here, and I know they will walk with God together. I missed quite a bit of details, but Gabby mentioned them on her post.
Chantell #9
Chauteu #10
Austin #11
Houstin #12
Staphanie #13
Keith #14
Mathew #15
Zack and Whitney, the pastor and pastor's wife, and assistant pastor and pastor's wife.
Quick testimony: I only had 5 dollars left, and it was offering time and the thought of using it for snacks kept running in my mind. I was going to hold onto it, but I felt this tugging in my heart to put it in the basket, and I put it in with a smile. Later on, Pastor Frank put 10 dollars in my hand as a blessing and said he felt like he should bless somebody, and I was it. By the grace of God i was blessed, my money doubled.
More pictures will be uploaded, check out our youtube videos for a slideshow of our pictures.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Winding down! :(
Today was the last full day of PBC and it's going to be sad going home. Today we woke up and went to church. We did the everything skit, performed in the "VWO Mass Choir" and Pastor Paul preached about living for a cause and keeping our commitments. It was great and we all made some commitments in our heart, I know I did. For lunch we went to the Genghis Grill were we got way more food then we could eat. I think I left some in Pastor Gregory's church fridge, Ooops! Then we walked around an outdoor mall and got yogurt and just had a good time together. We headed back to the hotel where most people slept from exhaustion. It must be the heat because I was never this tired in Farmington. Tonight we had service and we did the cardboard skit and the kid's choir did a performance. I don't count the tambourine as a true instrument, but when Chase and Chastity get a hold of one, I change my mind, they get down. I love that Pastor Gregory puts different things in each sermon and their worship services are awesome. After that we had a special speaker... ME! I can't tell you how nervous I was. Especially since we were passing out fliers with Pastor Paul's picture on it for Sunday night, lol. It was nerve racking preaching in front of a whole congregation including 3 pastors. I got good compliments from it though and I know that God used me as a vessel. Afterwards we had a potluck with ALOT of food. I think we are set for the whole trip back. We even got beef jerky from Miss Marie's sister Carol, and I made a good impression so I get my own bag. HOLLA! This was a great week and I thank God that he can use us as vessels.
Did it, Done it, Got it Good!
Did it, Done it, Got it Good!
One man waters.....
Desirae and Alainna already talked about yesterday's outreaches and how God moved so I won't go into that. I just want to tell a testimony about how God works and allude to something Alainna talked about. Alainna wrote about one girl that she talked to and didn't get a response but broke down when Sam talked to her.
My testimony starts on the way to the outreach. While Mr. Webb was bringing chairs to the park, so me fell out in the middle of a busy street. One son and mom came to help us out and Mr. Webb invited them to the park later that night. The son came on his bike about an hour later and Richard went up to him and he wanted none of it. About ten minutes later I went up to talk to him and he opened up. He ended up praying with me and I got to witness to his friends too. It just shows you how faithful God can be.
Never give up on someone even if they don't accept Christ right away. My testimony is that the night I went down to the altar, I said I didn't want to go to two people and the third I finally said yes and I don't even know why, but it changed my life. Pastor Gregory was talking about how someone talked to him about Christ on the street and he gave them an attitude but it stuck with him and he credits them for helping him find Christ.
Never stop believing God can change people and that our witness doesn't work. It does and God proves it everyday. Thank you God for faithful teens. I love you all.
My testimony starts on the way to the outreach. While Mr. Webb was bringing chairs to the park, so me fell out in the middle of a busy street. One son and mom came to help us out and Mr. Webb invited them to the park later that night. The son came on his bike about an hour later and Richard went up to him and he wanted none of it. About ten minutes later I went up to talk to him and he opened up. He ended up praying with me and I got to witness to his friends too. It just shows you how faithful God can be.
Never give up on someone even if they don't accept Christ right away. My testimony is that the night I went down to the altar, I said I didn't want to go to two people and the third I finally said yes and I don't even know why, but it changed my life. Pastor Gregory was talking about how someone talked to him about Christ on the street and he gave them an attitude but it stuck with him and he credits them for helping him find Christ.
Never stop believing God can change people and that our witness doesn't work. It does and God proves it everyday. Thank you God for faithful teens. I love you all.
that was only a week long???
That's what we are all saying tonight. It seems like forever ago when we arrived here on tuesday! I got to know these ppl way toooooooooooooo well ;) jk. I had such a blast this week, it was one of the funnest times of my life! What an honor and privilege it has been to be here and help pastor Maloney and Sandra. I am so thankful to God for all the ppl that got saved and I'm happy to say we have new friends, Jerry, Robbie, Jennifer, DJ and their cute kiddies and I can't wait to see them at conference! Farmington is a great church and we are praying they retain all of the fruit. Thank you Pastor Josh, Sandra, DJ, the Cortez church, and the Farmington church for everything!!! Thank you Tyler and Shaunna and P.Paul and Emily for all of your hard work! And THANK you Tony & Tanya (aka Tonex and Tawnya) for putting up with us and being such great, and fun leaders. I'm gonna miss these crazy monkeys :)
The last night :(
p.s. Paul your amazing man keep these teens excited i appreciate you
How Can Heat Be This Much Fun!
Well...the heat really isn't that fun. Actually it is more MISERABLE than anything. We're talking 125 degree weather, running through parking lots passing out flyers and setting up instruments in a park! The crazy thing is...people in Arizona actually go to a park in this heat!
Well...the heat really isn't that fun. Actually it is more MISERABLE than anything. We're talking 125 degree weather, running through parking lots passing out flyers and setting up instruments in a park! The crazy thing is...people in Arizona actually go to a park in this heat!
Yesterday was an AMAZING day! We started out with the Pancake breakfast and I was kinda thinkin who wakes up at 7:30 on Saturday to come eat breakfast? But God surely stopped me in my tracks because people came, and came, and came some more! There were about 15 people saved just at the pancake breakfast! This was all before 9:30.
Then we practiced for choir and our skits. Headed over to FUDDRUCKERS for some grub (very good grub) and then took a break in the mall. Then it was GO time again. From the mall we went on an hour outreach around the park we were having our "concert" and told everyone to come on out...now! God did it again, bringing people out by the families!
Our outreach wasn't perfect in any way - but you would have never noticed by the altar calls! People got saved, about 30 people all together between the 3 altar calls and our faithful youth workin the park.
We played basketball, grilled hot dogs, and entertained eventually winning souls for Christ!
I started talking to one girl hoping to get to talking about salvation. She was so hard and really rude that i just gave up and walked away. I walked over about 15 minutes later to see Sam leading her in the sinners prayer. Now I really understand how some people really do have the ability to reach people others can't.
Right before we showed the movie we performed the Everything Skit. The concrete was so hot it burned my knees. It was the most painful skit I have ever done! Half the group then went to the church to show a movie while the rest suffered through the heat watching M 10-28 but also seeing many people saved!
This morning we saw people come from the outreach to church!
Our PBC group was able to be involved in almost every aspect of the church. We did nursery, sunday school, helped in the song service, ushered, did a skit, sang in the choir, and helped with sound.
We have had fun...and still have the service tonight! God is good!
Dentonators Strike Again!!

We started this morning with Praise and Worship! These Denton people can really

At the end we got with are whole PBC group and took a picture with Dj Paul! Dj Paul was to awesome and very fun to hang out with. We also went around and talked to all the teenagers.

-Taylor Trujillo
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