Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm leaving on a gray van!!! Don't know when I'll be back again!

wow my first post and it's on the last day after it's all over!?! What could I possibly say to be able to describe this trip?... WOW it was great Farmington has been such a great place to be and visit we really don't want to leave somebody (who will remain nameless!) even started crying cause they wanted to stay but as soon as I dried me eyes I began to think about the past week and all the wonderful things that I've seen God do! On Thursday night after our youth service here we went to pass out some remaining flyers for the outreach at the park so as we pull up to the park that night as soon as I got out of the van I headed to the basketball courts and I saw a guy sitting down so I decided to go give him a flyer but when I got there I realized that this guy was going through something in his life so we started talking which is where God opened a door for me to witness. I realized he was drunk and started getting discouraged but the longer we talked the more he opened up and started hearing me and after everybody had had their flyers passed out except me Aaron and Pastor Maloney came and we continued talking for about an hour longer finally God clicked something in his mind and the guy threw his beer and let me lead him in a sinners prayer and I praise God for that but on Saturday I was sitting there at our outreach and I see the very same man I prayed with but this time sober and changing! I WAS PUMPED!!! and then after that I was sitting in prayer tonight and guess who walked in? that's right! He went to the alter and prayed again! this got me fired up along with seeing the many other visitor from the outreach! haha all in all I passed out one flyer on Thursday night! our group has grown from this experience! Tony and Tanya are awesome leaders and my requested travel buddies for next year lol jk jk THEY'RE GREAT!!!... But not in a frosted flakes kind of way! we really wanted to post alot of videos this year but sorry to say I wasnt happening with a 5am wake up call every morning!

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