The girls made us dinner. There was chicken, but me and GO gobbled it down.
We were passing out fliers and we saw a garage sell which had a lot of people around it. We went up to the lady who was in charge of the garage sell, and she offered to pass out the fliers to the people looking around. God is really moving down here in Oregon. Seems God has been using the women as blessings, and the devil has used a man to come against us.
We went to the youth leaders house, Zack and Whitney's for dinner and ate enchiladas which were amazing. They were spicey though and i'm allergic to spices, so it didnt go too well for me, but nonetheless, i ate it and loved it. Robert was grubbing it down, especially when it came to the pie. Well after dinner the guys went out to play basketball. The hoop was low, so three of us were able to dunk, me, Austin, and Zack (who is really tall and big). GO tried taking a charge from him and almost got laid out like in the everything skit. Zack and Whitney also had these two adorable little dogs. The small dog's eyes were just like mesmerizing, you can't describe how cute the dog was. That wasn't a manly things to say at all, but it was the best way to describe them.
Our musicians have been working hard on their songs, and i know God is going to move tomorrow. 2,300 fliers passed out, and i believe God is going to speak to so many of them. I've been noticing more and more than something just seems different down here. Kinda like what Gabby was saying about our group having a different purpose. Not sure how to explain it, but I know God has something great planned for this church. "Let it rain...Let it rain~ Open the flood gates of heaven, Let it rain..." We're still praying for all of you, and God is going to move in each one of these cities. Keep praying for a nation wide revival to help spark out of PBC. The rapture is coming soon, and we need to get as many solved saved as possible. We aren't just kids, but we're soldiers in Christ who are on a mission for God. Age don't matter, God can use it for his glory.
Men's Quote of the day: Don't forget you helmet! (Based off GO taking off his helmet and falling off the short bus)
-Isaiah #8
I always believed you alls mission was different. I've been praying for this group as well as the others. Let it rain Lord. Nice hearing from you Isaiah. Your favorite mother loves you and I have not even bugged you one time. Maranatha How do you work this crazy blog/post comment thing. :)