Friday, July 16, 2010

PBC from our point of VIEW

What a week...Today we finished all of our fliers 2000 of them HOORAY. We celebrated by a jump into the pool with all of our clothes on, yes Tony and I also;) Let me say I have never laughed so hard as I have this week. Most of the video I have been doing has to be deleted because I am laughing so hard that i miss the action that doesn't make Timmy very happy, as most of you probably know:) So I no longer get to video the BIG stuff. Our fun day started at 5:45 with the van leaving for morning prayer and a very important lesson was learned that when Tony says the van leaves at 5:45 it leaves. After prayer we headed to Durango Colorado for our fun day. Which was going to be go-karts except the go-kart place no longer exists and only has miniature golf. After a great lunch of bar-b-que, and a spur of the moment decision we went white water rafting. We definitely didnt have the clothes to go but...our thought lets just do it. What fun...we had to go into two different boats. But our guides stayed together. At one point we had a stow away who jumped from their boat to ours as he flopped into our boat we scattered and all were flung into the Animas River. All except me (camera) in hand. After a two hour ride down the river and some serious antics, we arrived on dry land and drove back to Farmington. To get ready for an amazing youth service, Joel did song service, Brianna, Chantel on back-up, Pastor Josh on bass, Connor on keyboards, Aaron on drums, Vicki on overhead, Tim ushering and Alajandra gave her testimony. Tony preaching. They all did a great job.
We are beliving God for a big turn out for our outreach tomorrow. Praying for all of you also...Goodnight T and T

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