One last post before bed time. Funny story here, we had the HARDEST time figuring out how to get pictures on this laptop! It was insane. Downloading things here and there, looking for a way to do it, wow. Shanity saved us all by breaking out her newly bought camera's USB. We were and are relieved. We are all phyched to get into Oregon tomorrow. We can't wait to see how God is going to use us this week. We are expecting the most and we will not leave without making an impact. Keep praying with us!
As Isiaiah said in the previous post, it is certainly beautiful here. There are lakes and rivers in places too. Although, I do miss our Rocky Mountains. Well, now that we have pictures, here are some. Enjoy!
Cherise I like the bikes! It looks like Oregon is having a blast. I like seeing the Utah sign.
"Hi Shaunna!" Mrs. Cherise says. We are having a blast. We hope to see some posts from you all soon!!!
Hi my Abbey. I miss you girlfriend. Jazz your ferosious beast says "wolf wolf wolf!" I think that means "mommy come home!" Yeah I know I spelled that word wrong but it sounds good to me:)Love you mija, Handle your buisness o.k. and preach the gospel. LOVE, MOM